Why we made the Wayfinder

way·find·er /ˈwāˌfīndər/ n (1854) 1: a sign, landmark, or other indicator used to assist people in navigating to a particular location. 2: a person navigating to a particular location.

The Staff Faculty Wayfinder helps university employees learn about the supportive services and reporting options available to them at UNM.
We call it “the wayfinder” because through it, we seek to empower our colleagues to find their way to getting help. There is no single pathway that is right for everyone. Some people just want to someone who can listen, while others want to engage in mediation or file a formal complaint. By exploring the Wayfinder's pathways, users can learn more about their options, before deciding how they want to proceed.
The Division for Equity & Inclusion collaborated with the IT Applications department to launch the Wayfinder in 2022. To learn more about the research foundations, conceptualization, design, and testing of the Wayfinder, please see the Staff Faculty Wayfinder Website Project page.
Tell us how this site worked for you! We welcome your thoughts on the content and design of the Wayfinder. We welcome your feedback about the experience of using the Wayfinder at wayfinder@unm.edu.